As human beings, we inherit not only our genes from our ancestors but also various patterns of behaviour, both conscious and unconscious, and their traumas – be it illness, grief, painful relationships or wealth issues. Family Constellation is an insightful way to become aware of all the family-drawn patterns, both hidden and repetitive, which act as a barrier in our evolution. When entanglements are resolved in a family tree, love flows naturally from previous generations to the present and future generations.
While working with thousands of family systems for over 50 years, German psychotherapist, philosopher and author Bert Hellinger discovered age-old, hidden “Orders of Love” that operate in the depths of the family structure. Violation and disrespect of these natural laws due to tragic circumstances and unconscious behaviour in the earlier generations affect the lives of the latter members of the family. Hellinger observed that many of us unconsciously “take on” destructive familial patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way of “belonging” in our families. Family Constellation is a powerful healing tool that enables one to break and heal one’s transgenerational patterns and entanglements for living healthier, happier, and more fulfilled lives. This tool is effective for families, 7 generations before as well as after.
Family Constellation leads to the realization that it is never too late for a happy life. For every person, there is only one right place in their family, and that is their own place. Once they have found and taken that place, a new perspective opens up, which makes them capable of taking action.
• People looking to connect with their ancestral strength
• Families experiencing all kinds of conflict and problems
• Couples who want to maintain and improve their relationships
• Parents aiming to be a good role model for children
• Families having illnesses or dysfunctional relationship patterns
• History of abortion, miscarriages and early death in the family
• Unhealthy financial patterns
• Anyone who is seeking inner transformation and spiritual growth
• Healers
• Psychologists
• Everyone needs a family constellation since we all inherit some unconscious patterns from our families and are bonded in blind love
• Uncover reasons for physical and emotional suffering (i.e. migraine, asthma, backache, depression, alcoholism, etc.) and take steps towards healing
• Address parenting problems and painful family situations (i.e. divorce, single parenthood, infertility, abortion, adoption)
• Break repetitive patterns of abandonment, alienation, abuse, accidents, betrayal, disconnection, dysfunction, poverty, etc
• Resolve misunderstandings, entanglements, and blocks in family relationships
• Understand the “bigger picture” of any life situation
• Deal positively with severe illness and death
• Gain insight into professional conflicts
Venue: Mumbai
Dates: 9th to 14th September 2025
Presenters: Dr. Newton Kondaveti, MBBS, MD & Dr. Lakshmi Newton, MBBS, Founders, Life Foundation & QLU
Program Charges:
Early Bird: 75,000 (+18% taxes)
Regular: INR 90,000 (+18% taxes )
Contact: 9167255438
Organized by The Aha Movement
Family Constellation - Transgenerational Healing program integrates Family Constellation Work into Inner Child Work, thus taking Inner Child Work to the next level and making it more complete by including Transgenerational Healing.
Introduction to Family Constellation Work:
"If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people." — Thich Nhat Hanh
The science of epigenetics is rapidly proving that we carry the past within us. The research that is emerging demonstrates that environmental factors, stress, and trauma that occur in one generation are passed on to its descendents. In Family Constellations we observe how this inheritance shows up in the form of problems faced by the descendents. We notice that out of love, empathy and the simple need to survive our birth and childhood we accept and behave in the "right way" in order to belong to our family. We take on its history and often its fate. We thus carry many patterns from the generations that preceded us in our family tree. Transgenerational patterns are a very important factor that affects the ‘Child Within’.
While working with thousands of family systems for over 50 years, German psychotherapist, philosopher and author Bert Hellinger discovered age-old, hidden "Orders of Love" that operate in the depths of family organisms. Violation and disrespect of these natural laws due to tragic circumstances and unconscious behavior in the earlier generations affect the lives of later members of the family. Hellinger observed that many of us unconsciously "take on" destructive familial patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way of "belonging" in our families. Bonded by a deep love, a child will often sacrifice his own best interests in a vain attempt to ease the suffering of a parent or other family member.
Exploring the dynamics in our family systems can help us to heal and transform our lives. Family Constellations are a powerful form of body, mind and spirit healing that reveal the hidden dynamics in family systems. They create a model or map of the family system that discloses the deeper forces that unknowingly influence our thoughts, behaviors and emotional experiences.
FAMILY CONSTELLATION is a group process that enables us to break these patterns so that we can live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. In a moment of insight, a new life course can be set in motion. Family Constellation Work brings about TRANS-GENERATIONAL HEALING, which helps us to understand and clear many of the common blocks to personal and spiritual growth.
This very intensive workshop on soul-journey and self-discovery is a must for:
• Individuals who seek to discover their authentic selves completely devoid of all illusions and pretences and bring about a complete transformation thereby manifesting their highest potential.
• Teachers and people who are interested in working with children and helping them to grow spiritually.
• Therapists and healers who wish to empower themselves so that they are able to design each healing session to suit the specific needs of the individual and guide them towards total fulfillment at all levels.
• Healing the inner child from unknown influences coming from ancestors
• Gaining deeper insights about family dynamics
• Healing and Transformation
• Each one is going to learn how to set up the constellation in a group and also work at an individual level by using figurines.
Those who are tuned to the training program, having the openness and zeal to learn are most welcome to join this Intensive Program.
• Principles and Practice of Systemic Constellation Work
• Important concepts from Family Constellations
A) The Therapeutic Stance
B) Levels of Feeling
C) "Orders of Love"
D) Orders of Precedence
E) Fate versus Free Will
F) Blind Love, Enlightened Love
G) The Morphogenetic Field
• Sutras of Family Constellations
• Parents and Children
A) Daddy’s Girls and Mama’s Boys
B) The Interrupted Bond
C) Forgiveness versus Agreement
• Limits of Conscience
A) Three Levels of Conscience
B) Guilt and Innocence
C) Bonding and Belonging
D) The Balance of Giving and Taking
• Identification with Previous Generations
A) Success and Failure
B) Freedom and Emptiness
C) Systemic Messages
• Adult Relationships
A) Working with Singles and Couples
B) Weight in Relationships
C) Aloneness and Failed Relationships
D) Divorce
E) Forced separation of couples owing to racial, religious or cultural reasons
F) Anyone who was forced into the role of black sheep of the family, was disowned by the family or was ousted from the family
• Trauma and the Body
A) Somatic Integration
B) Working with Illness: Serious illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, or repetitive illness patterns in the family
• Psychiatric illness
A) Depression
B) Anxiety and Panic Disorders
C) Fears and Phobias
D) Self-Injury
E) Eating Disorders
• Sexual and Reproductive Disorders
• Honouring the dead
A) Early death of parents or grandparents
B) Accidental deaths, murders, victims of war
• Abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, infant deaths
• Cases of adoption
• Trauma and the Family System
• Working with Children
• Integrating Splits
• Perpetrators and Victims
• The Effects of War
• The Effects of Past Lives
• "Movements of the Spirit-Mind"
A) The Dimensional Reframe
B) Reconciliation versus Resolution
• The Weight of Words and Healing sentences
• Letting go of transgenerational influences on the inner child and healing the wounded child
• Resolutions in Individual Sessions
• Integration of personal and professional work, supervision and practice